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Membership Management

Membership Management

Membership Management

Tiêu đề
Sending/Managing SMS
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You can send a bulk SMS to your customers.

(TIP) It is possible to send SMS by individual, group, and level at the scheduled time.



STEP01. Sending SMS

① Click [Manage Mode] – [Membership]

Click [SMS Management] – [Send SMS]

Click [Address Book] to bring the list of members to receive SMS.

(TIP) You can add a recipient to the list a by entering the cell phone number directly.

You can check the address book by category(individual, level, group)

Check the recipient and click [Add] to add to the recipient list

Enter the contents, and click [Send] to send SMS.

(TIP) You can pre-save the SMS contents in advance (on the upper right of the screen), and reserve the time to send the SMS out at the scheduled time.(right bottom of the screen)   


STEP02. Viewing SMS Sending History

① Click [SMS Sending History]

You can check and manage the details by setting the SMS sending period. 

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