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Board Management

Board Management

Setting Webzine Type Board

This is a description for each setting of webzine type board.

Settings can be modified and changed whenever needed


[General Settings]


Board name: Enter the board name

Board Description: If you enter the description of the board use agreement, it will be exposed at the top of the board according to the skin you use.

Board Type: You can select and change among four types of boards: list type, gallery type, inquiry type, and webzine type.

Number of Post: You can set the number of list that is exposed on one page.

Number of characters: You can set the number of characters to be exposed since images and text are exposed simultaneously.

Sort: Sort: You can sort posts by date created, reverse date created, views, and upvotes orders.

(TIP) Board name and board description may or may not be exposed according to the skin.



[Advanced Settings]


Upvotes/Downvotes Feature: Visitors can upvote/downvote of the post

Private Post feature: Set whether to use private post feature

Reply Feature: Reply to the post

Comments Feature: Comment on the post

SNS Sharing Feature: Posts can be shared via KakaoTalk, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+

Category Feature: You can choose the category when writing a post

Captcha: Needs to input Captcha when writing a post

Privacy Policy Agreement: Needs to agree to the privacy policy when writing a post

Notification Settings: Notifications will be sent out to administrator and writer when writing a post

View Original Image: You can check the original image by clicking the image in the post.

Banned Words: Blocks access to the board by IP.


[Field Settings]


Write: Set the item when writing a post

Display Name: You can edit the item name to be displayed on the site.

Mandatory: The required items must be filled in.

Display: It will be displayed when writing but not required item.

Display Read&List: set the item list to be displayed in the board list and read page

Read: Set the items to be displayed of the post detail page

List: Set the items to be displayed of the post list page.



[Capabilities Settings]


View List: Set the access authority of the post list. If accessing to list is not possible, viewing is also not possible

View Posts: Set the authority of viewing posts

Write Posts: Set the authority of writing posts

View Comments: Set the authority of viewing comments on posts

Write Comments: Set the authority of writing comments on posts.

Write Replies: Set the authority of writing replies on posts.

Download Files: Set the authority of downloading attached files on posts

Manage Boards: Set the capabilities to delete, move, and edit the board in the site.




- Anyone: The authorities are granted to all website visitors without conditions

- Signed-in users: The authorities are granted only to a visitor who signed in as a member

- Selective Level User: Allows only those who are in the set level out of the website visitors

- Selective Group User: Allows only those who are in the set group out of the website visitors



