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Board Management
Board Management
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- 707
Nội dung
① Click [Manage mode] – [My app] – [Board]
② Click [Create New Board]
③ Enter the board name, and then click on [Next] button.
④ Select [Board Type]
(TIP) The setting items are automatically changed according to the board type. Please select the board type first and then make a detailed setting.
(TIP) Features of board types
① List type: It is used for simple but basic of board such as a free board.
② Gallery type: It is used for the board which requires to display images on the list such as products, menus, and construction examples.
③ Inquiry type: It is used when you need the customized items such as booking and request for quotation, and the progress can be displayed.
④ Webzine type: It has magazine format features, and images and texts are exposed on the list.
Biên tập bình luận.
Enter your password to edit the post. Nhập mật khẩu để biên tập bài đăng.
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