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Page(Menu) Settings

Page(Menu) Settings

Page(Menu) Settings

Create a Page
Date Created

Create a Page

If the main of design is created, now you need a page that fits each menu on the main page. In order to create the page, the app in source code or a board should be created in advance. For more information about the process of creating the apps, refer to My Apps guide. In this ‘Create Page’, on the assumption that a Recruitment board app has been already created, we are going to create a Recruitment menu on the ‘Page’, and apply a Recruitment board app to the Recruitment menu.  

STEP 1. First, create a list type of Recruitment board app on Manage Mode. For more information about the way to create a board, see Create a board of my app. After checking that it is created, go to Design Mode.  

STEP 2. Click on ‘Page’ on the top.

STEP 3. If you get on ‘Page Settings’ page, create a new menu by clicking ‘Add New Page’.

STEP 4. The new page is created at the bottom of the column, and enter the page name as Recruitment, and choose a ‘Board’ under the ‘Select APP’.     

 (TIP) If you go with ‘External URL’ for the ‘Select App’, it links to the external URL when you click the related menu on the site.

STEP 5. If you choose a ‘Board’ for the Select APP, you can see the board apps that have been already created. Select ‘Recruitment’ out of the board apps to apply it.    

STEP 6. If you finish selecting the ‘Recruitment’ board, you can see the Skin and Page layout for it. First you select any skin you like and select ‘Open in the current window’ for Target. Finally, click Save to complete the page settings.

* SEO is a Search Engine Optimization that allows you to set the current page to be well exposed in search engines. For more information, please refer to the SEO guide.


* If you click Save button, all of your work in the page settings will be applied. However, if you don’t click Save and leave the page, all the data you entered will be deleted.  

* If you click ‘Hide Page’, the menu will be saved but won’t be visible on the site.  

STEP 7. Click on Move button to change the Recruitment above the Customer Center, and Click on Move button again to finish.

STEP 8. Finally, check on the site if the Recruitment menu and its page have been created.

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