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SEO & Statistics

SEO & Statistics

Optimizing Contents


STEP01. Providing High Quality Contents and Services

1. What is providing high quality contents and services?

Interesting content has more impact on the website than any other elements.

Understand and predict the diversity of visitors and create unique content.


2. Recommendations for High Quality Contents

Readable contents and composition

Form your website not to get off topics

Create new and unique contents

Create contents for visitors, not for search engines.


STEP02. Writing Anchor Text


1. What is Anchor Text?

Anchor text is text that tells visitors about the page to link to visitors and search engines. 

(Eg. ……… Let me tell you about the stunning features of Dubuplus………..)

You can deliver the linked contents by using the appropriate anchor text.


2. Recommendations for anchor text

Select the simple text showing the contents well.

Highlight the text.

Use anchor text in internal links.


STEP03. Image Optimization


1. What is image optimization?

The images may look like simple components, but it can be optimized.

Every image has its own filename and ‘alt’ attribute, so you better take advantage of them. 

If visitors view your website in browsers that does not support images or use a screen reader, the contents with alt attribute will provide the information about the image.


2. Recommendations for image optimization

Use brief and descriptive filenames and alt text

Provide alt text when using links of images

Provide image site map


3. Image optimization

Click [Design Mode] – [Edit], and drag [Image] element

Click [Settings] – [Insert Image]

Enter the image description(alt text)


STEP04. Using Title Tag Properly

1. What is the Proper Use of Title Tag?

The title tag is used to show the page structure to visitors.

There are 6 sizes of the title tag <h1>~<h6>.

This visual effect helps visitors understand the document because the title tags are usually larger than other text.


2. Recommendations for Title Tag

The title tag is a writing an outline of contents

Use it in one page if necessary


3. Using Title Tag

Click [Title] and drag it

Double-click the text and select the title tag in [Style]

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