SEO และสถิติ
SEO & Statistics
SEO & Statistics
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STEP01. Using Title Tag
1. What is Title tag?
Title tag shows users and search engines the subject of a certain page.
It is better to create a title for each page because it will be reflected in search results.
2. Recommendations for Title Tags
① Title that accurately describes the contents of each page
② Create unique title tag for each page
3. Setting Title Tag
[Website Global Settings]
① Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences] – [Site management] – [Settings
for SEO/SNS Sharing] and enter SEO/SNS title.
[Each Page(Menu) Settings]
② Enter SEO/SNS Title for each page(menu) in [Design mode] – [Page]
STEP02. Using
Description Meta Tag
1. What is Description Meta Tag?
The Description meta tag is shown as a summary of pages on Google and other search engines.
This part is important because it can be used as a preview of the results page in Google search.
2. Recommendations for Description meta tag
① Summarize the content of the page accurately
② Use a unique description for each page
3. Setting Description meta tag
[Website Global Settings]
① Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences] – [Site management] – [Settings
for SEO/SNS Sharing] and enter SEO/SNS sharing description.
[Each Page(Menu) Settings]
② Enter SEO/SNS sharing description for each page(menu) in [Design
mode] – [Page]
คัดลอก URL
เลือก URL ทั้งหมดด้านล่างเพื่อคัดลอก