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Page(Menu) Settings

Page(Menu) Settings

Page(Menu) Settings

Tiêu đề
Creating and Linking Default Page
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In the default page settings, you can connect menus such as Home, Sign in, Sitemap, My Page.

 The pages set in the default page settings are exposed in the area that is applied in [Design Mode] – [Component] – [Header menu].

Let’s set up a sitemap as the default page.


STEP01. Setting the Page

① Click [Design mode]

② Click [Page]

Click [Default Pages] and click [Sitemap]

Set the skin and layout, and click [Save]


STEP02. Adding the Header Menu Element

① Click [Design mode]

② Click [Page]

Drag [Header Menu] element and add it to the layout you want to add it.

Click [Settings] in [Header Menu] element.

Click [Menu Settings] and click [Sitemap]

Click [Complete]

Go to your website and click [Sitemap] to see that the feature is properly added.

As you can see, adding [Sitemap] feature is not difficult! You can see the whole menu structure of the website at a glance.


Sao chép đường dẫn URL

Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

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