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Design Settings

Design Settings

Design Settings

Tiêu đề
Inserting Images
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① Click [Design mode]

 Click [Image] element, and drag it to the area to be exposed.

 Click [Settings] in [Video], and click [Link Video]

 Click [Insert Image] and upload the image you want to use.

(TIP) You can also select from the registered images using [Add Image from List]

 After adding the image, enter [Alternative text]

(TIP) What is Alternative text?

Alternative text is related to web accessibility. The purpose of web accessibility is to recognize all content on the website, regardless of whether they are disabled or not. So non-texture images or other content should be provided with alternative text to help all people understand its meaning and purpose.

If the image has no alternative text on mouseover, the blind reader only tells ‘image’.

If your website is targeting domestic users, you should enter it in Korean to provide exact meaning. If you enter in English, the reader may misread it. Ex) UX, HYUNDAI

In addition, it is better to enter a detailed description of the image and check for typo. 



Sao chép đường dẫn URL

Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

Biên tập bình luận.

Enter your password to edit the post. Nhập mật khẩu để biên tập bài đăng.

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