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Design Settings

Design Settings

Design Settings

Tiêu đề
Understanding Structure of Design Mode
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Dubuplus supports that you can design your website easily without coding. Create your own stunning website with the variety features and apps.

① Click Design mode


Design edit components


① Elements and apps: You can create your website by dragging various elements that allow you to make up your website.

② Column: You can add and delete 1 to 5 columns and Header, Content, and Footer columns. 

③ Layout: In addition to the default layout, you can add, copy, and delete layouts.

Screens by device: You can check the screen that you are working on by PC, tablet, or mobile.

⑤ Preview: You can preview the screen that you are editing.

Tutorial: you can get see the tutorial and guide.

Backup and Reset: You can restore or reset the saved history by clicking Complete.

Complete: The edited designs are saved and applied to the website.

Global Settings: You can set the global area of the website.

Settings: Move, Edit, and Delete buttons appears when you mouse over a row or column.


Layout components

① Mobile_Header: This is the part of Header that is shown on mobile, and it is displayed on all pages. You can delete Mobile_Header.

② Header: It is displayed on all pages. Basically, company logo and menus are included.

③ Content: This is the part that contains contents of a website.

Footer: It is displayed on all pages. Basically contacts, social icons, and copyright are included.




Sao chép đường dẫn URL

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