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Membership Management

Membership Management

Membership Management

Tiêu đề
Setting Membership Registration
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You can set the way to sign up and the required items.  

When setting the items for sign up, set only the information that is necessary for your website operation.

① Click [Manage Mode] – [Membership] – [Registration Preferences]

Set [Registration Type] and [Human Verification]


- Registration type: If you set the membership registration type, the administrator’s approval is required to be a member

- Human verification: If you set the human verification, the captcha should be entered when signing up.

You can set the general items or add more items by clicking [Edit items]


- Use: When signing up, the checked items are displayed but these are not necessary.

- Required: When signing up, the checked items are necessary to be a member.

- Item Name: The name of the item.

- Display Name: The item name to be exposed on the website.

You can set the website membership registration design(Skin) in [Design Mode] – [Page Settings] – [Main Page]


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Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

Biên tập bình luận.

Enter your password to edit the post. Nhập mật khẩu để biên tập bài đăng.

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