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Membership Management

Membership Management

Membership Management

Tiêu đề
Setting Inactive Member Notification and Managing the Members
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If a member has not signed in for 12 months, you can send an email the member to inform [Inactivation of the account] and suggest signing in within a month. If the member does not sign in within a month, he/she will be classified as an inactive member.

[Enforcement Decree 16, Article 29, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Information Network Usage and Protection of Information, etc.]



STEP01. Setting a Notification

① Click [Manage Mode] – [Preferences]

Click [Site Management] – [Notification Settings] and click [Membership Management]

Click [SMS Notification] and [Email Notification] to set [When members become inactive]

Set [Receive] and click [Save]


- SMS Notification: <No not receive> is a default for visitors and administrators

- Email Notification: <Receive> is a default for visitors and administrators.


STEP02.Managing Inactive Members

① Click [Manage Mode] – [Membership]

Click [Inactive Member List]

You can [Release inactive] or [Delete] the deactivated members


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