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Dubuplus global version the Basic paid product has been released!!!
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Dubuplus global version <Dubuplus Worldwide> has added the basic paid product that can add the apps with various functions unlimitedly by expanding limited functions of free products. 

The basic paid product is $10.99(U.S) a month, which is less expensive than other competing global services such as Wix or Weebly.

It is possible to make a payment on a monthly or yearly basis, and it is cheaper on a yearly basis.


In addition, its storage capacity and traffic capacity have been expanded to 10GB each, and best of all, you can use the separate domain and the unlimited number of apps such as boards, slideshows, pop-ups, and slide galleries.


Dubuplus will constantly strive to add various features such as online malls, multilingual services, accommodation reservation services, etc.

We look forward to your continued interest and involvement!


Go to Dubuplus global version <Dubuplus Worldwide>

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