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Using the Tags
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STEP01. Using Title Tag

1. What is Title tag?

Title tag shows users and search engines the subject of a certain page.

It is better to create a title for each page because it will be reflected in search results.


2. Recommendations for Title Tags

Title that accurately describes the contents of each page

Create unique title tag for each page


3. Setting Title Tag


[Website Global Settings]

Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences] – [Site management] – [Settings for SEO/SNS Sharing] and enter SEO/SNS title.


[Each Page(Menu) Settings]

Enter SEO/SNS Title for each page(menu) in [Design mode] – [Page]


STEP02. Using Description Meta Tag

1. What is Description Meta Tag?

The Description meta tag is shown as a summary of pages on Google and other search engines.

This part is important because it can be used as a preview of the results page in Google search.

2. Recommendations for Description meta tag

Summarize the content of the page accurately

Use a unique description for each page


3. Setting Description meta tag

[Website Global Settings]

Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences] – [Site management] – [Settings for SEO/SNS Sharing] and enter SEO/SNS sharing description.


[Each Page(Menu) Settings]

Enter SEO/SNS sharing description for each page(menu) in [Design mode] – [Page]

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