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SEO & Statistics

SEO & Statistics

SEO & Statistics

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SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
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SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”.

Search Engine Optimization is the technology that searches the website in search engines and makes the ranking of the website higher in the search results.

Therefore, it is necessary for promoting your website.  

Also, because mobile users have been increased in recent years and many users use Google search on their smart phones, your mobile website should be optimized.

Dubuplus provides SEO settings feature to make it easier to do SEO works.  



- [Manual] – [SEO/Statistics] is a description of Dubuplus SEO settings based on Google’s search engine optimization guide

- For more information on Search Engine Optimization, download the ‘Search Engine Optimization Guide’.



* Search Engine: A computer function or program that searches for data available on the Internet using keywords or other terms.


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