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SEO & Statistics

SEO & Statistics

SEO & Statistics

Tiêu đề
Using Google Analytics
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Google Analytics is the most globally used log analysis service that you can use for free.

By setting simple things on Dubuplus, you can check your log statistics without accessing Google Analytics.

On Dubuplus, you don’t need to insert a tracking code.


STEP01. Signing up for Google Analytics

Go to and click [Sign up for free]

Sign in with your Google account.

Click [Sign up]

Enter items for signing up, and click [Get Tracking ID]

Item Terms Details
1 Account Name Enter Analytics account name / (ex) Dubuplus site analysis
2 Website Name Enter the website name to be analyzed / ex) Dubuplus
3 Website URL Enter the website address to be analyzed / ex)
4 Industry Category Select an industry category of the website (not required)
5 Reporting Time Zone Select Republic of Korea

When you see ‘Google Analytics Terms of Use’ window, select ‘Republic of Korea’ and click on ‘I Accept’ button at the bottom.

You can see the following screen. Then copy ‘Tracking ID’ of Google Analytics. (★[Admin] Property – Tracking Info – Tracking code)



STEP02. Setting on Dubuplus

Enter [Tracking ID] copied from [Manage mode] – [Statistics], then sign in with your Google account.

Google log analysis setting is complete. It will take 1~2 days for the log analysis data to be updated.


(TIP) Google Analytics Key Terms

Terms Details
Sessions by time The number of visits to the website by time
Session The number of visits to the website of users
Number of Pages per Session The number of pages visited by users on the website
Bounce Rate The percentage of users who visited the website and then immediately left to another website. 
Average Session Time The average time a user stays on the website.
Users The number of users who visited the website
Page Views The number of pages that users read on the website
Unique Page Views It aggregates pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session.
Average Time on Page Average time a user stays on the page
Visits Same as ‘Session’ but counted as visits only if first view is page view
Referral Visits that came to your site from another website. Source recommended for traffic
Direct(Direct Traffic)
When users type your URL directly into their browser, when users click a link from an email, 
or when users visit from unidentified routes
Social(Social Traffic) When users access the website from social media channel (naver, daum, youtube, Facebook, twitter)

Sao chép đường dẫn URL

Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

Biên tập bình luận.

Enter your password to edit the post. Nhập mật khẩu để biên tập bài đăng.

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