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Site Management

Site Management

Site Management

Tiêu đề
Setting General Information
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STEP01. Setting General Information

Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences]

Click [Site Management] – [General Information]


[Account Details]

Company Name(Website Name): Set as the company name of the website (including Logo)

Username: This is the sub-domain that is set when creating the account and it cannot be changed.

Email: It is used as an administrator ID and set as the default email address of the website.

Password: Administrator PW can be changed.

Sign in settings for SNS account: when signing in as an administrator, you can sign in with your SNS account.

(TIP) The company name in General information is highly related to the SEO settings so please enter it correctly.


[Company Details]

Phone Number: This number is set as a default number for the notification service.

Email: This email is set as a default email address for the notification service.

(TIP) The general information will be displayed at the bottom of the website. This part is essential when you build a website for commercial purposes.


STEP02. Publishing the Website

Click [Design Mode]

Click [Edit]

Click [Settings] in [Footer Address] element, click [Settings for Company Details]

Click [√] to select the information to be exposed, and set the order using [Edit]


- When clicking [>], you can modify the information

- The modified information is linked to the information in [Preferences] – [Site management] – [General Information]

Sao chép đường dẫn URL

Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

Biên tập bình luận.

Enter your password to edit the post. Nhập mật khẩu để biên tập bài đăng.

xóa bình luậnXóa bài đăng

Nhập mật khẩu để xóa bài đăng.