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Site Management

Site Management

Site Management

Tiêu đề
Site Management
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Click [Manage mode] – [Preferences]

Click [Site Management] – [Site Settings]


1) Default Language: Set the default language of the website.

2) Favicon: The icon that is displayed with the Internet browser title

3) Home Screen Shortcut: The icon that is displayed on the home screen when installing the website on smart phone.

4) Header Source Code: It will be entered between <head> and <head> of source code.

5) Footer Source Code: It will be entered at the bottom of inside of <body> of source code.

6) Mouse Settings: When setting to disable right click, visitors cannot copy the contents on the website.

7) Maintenance Mode: When you set ‘Turn on maintenance mode’, the maintenance screen will be displayed

8) Zoom in/out on Mobile: If you set to disable zoom in/out, visitors cannot zoom in/out the website on mobile.

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Chọn toàn bộ đường dẫn URL bên dưới để sao chép.

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